ДепартаментСредиземноморски и Източни изследвания
ас. д-р Валерия Сергеенкова
ас. д-р Валерия Сергеенкова
Департамент: Средиземноморски и Източни изследвания
Телефон: 02/8110 122
E-mail: vsergueenkova@nbu.bg
Приемно време: Вторник 11:30-13:00 116 I Корпус,Четвъртък 12:00-14:30 116 I Корпус,Петък 11:30-13:30 116 I Корпус
Професионална автобиография:
Д-р Валерия Сергеенкова е бакалавър по класическа филология от Принстънския университет и доктор по класическа филология от университета “Харвард”. Тя изучава древното историческо въображение с помощта на писмени и археологически сведения. Тя се опитва да си представи как хората в античността са създавали история, възстановявайки миналото на различни човешки общности и на заобикалящата ги природна среда. Нейните научни интереси са свързани с античната историография, география и наука, като изследванията ? са съсредоточени върху допирните точки на тези области. Работи над книга за обсега и методите на историята у Херодот (“Наука за миналото: Историите на Херодот между природата и културата”). Автор е на статии на теми като числата и изчисленията у Херодот, миризмите в класическата античност, взаимодействията на древните хора в Анатолия с паметници от бронзовата и желязната епоха.
Dr. Valeria Sergueenkova has a BA in Classics from Princeton and a PhD in Classics from Harvard. She studies the ancient historical imagination using both textual and material evidence. Her aim is to elucidate how different people in the ancient world produced history by reconstructing the past of human communities as well as of natural landscapes. Her specific field of expertise includes the fields of ancient historiography, geography, and science; her research focuses primarily on the overlap between these areas in Classical antiquity. She has a forthcoming book about the scope and methods of Herodotean history (“A Science of the Past: Herodotus’ Histories between Nature and Culture”). She is the author of articles on numbers and calculations in Herodotus, smells in Classical antiquity, and ancient interactions with Bronze and Iron Age monuments in Anatolia.
Dr. Valeria Sergueenkova has a BA in Classics from Princeton and a PhD in Classics from Harvard. She studies the ancient historical imagination using both textual and material evidence. Her aim is to elucidate how different people in the ancient world produced history by reconstructing the past of human communities as well as of natural landscapes. Her specific field of expertise includes the fields of ancient historiography, geography, and science; her research focuses primarily on the overlap between these areas in Classical antiquity. She has a forthcoming book about the scope and methods of Herodotean history (“A Science of the Past: Herodotus’ Histories between Nature and Culture”). She is the author of articles on numbers and calculations in Herodotus, smells in Classical antiquity, and ancient interactions with Bronze and Iron Age monuments in Anatolia.
“The Stylis on the Gold Coinage of Alexander the Great,” Quaderni ticinesi di numismatica e antichita classiche 35, 165-178.
nine entries in: Harvard Art Museum Handbook. (S. Wolohojian, ed.) Cambridge, MA.
Review of Maraglino, V. (ed.), Scienza antica in eta moderna: teoria e immagini, (Bari 2012), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.05.42.
co-authored with F. Rojas: “Traces of Tarhuntas: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Interaction with Hittite Monuments,” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 27.2: 135-160.
“Counting the Past in Herodotus’ Histories,” Journal of Hellenic Studies 136: 121-131.
co-authored with F. Rojas: “Asianics in Relief: Making Sense of Bronze and Iron Age Monuments in Classical Anatolia,” The Classical Journal 112.2: 140-178.
co-authored with F. Rojas: “Persia on their Mind: Achaemenid Memory Horizons in Roman Anatolia.” In Persianism in Antiquity, edited by R. Strootman and M. J. Versluys. Oriens et Occidens 25. Stuttgart. 259-278.
co-authored with F. Rojas: “The Smells of Time: Olfactory Associations with the Past in Classical and Byzantine Antiquity.” In Knowing Bodies, Passionate Souls: Sense Perceptions in Byzantium, edited by S. A. Harvey and M. Mullet. Dumbarton Oaks Publications. 141-151.
“geology”, “weather”, “earthquakes’, “inventions” and “eclipse” in Wiley Blackwell’s Herodotus Encyclopedia, edited by C. Baron. Wiley Blackwell.
“The Stylis on the Gold Coinage of Alexander the Great,” Quaderni ticinesi di numismatica e antichita classiche 35, 165-178.
nine entries in: Harvard Art Museum Handbook. (S. Wolohojian, ed.) Cambridge, MA.
Review of Maraglino, V. (ed.), Scienza antica in eta moderna: teoria e immagini, (Bari 2012), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.05.42.
co-authored with F. Rojas: “Traces of Tarhuntas: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Interaction with Hittite Monuments,” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 27.2: 135-160.
“Counting the Past in Herodotus’ Histories,” Journal of Hellenic Studies 136: 121-131.
co-authored with F. Rojas: “Asianics in Relief: Making Sense of Bronze and Iron Age Monuments in Classical Anatolia,” The Classical Journal 112.2: 140-178.
co-authored with F. Rojas: “Persia on their Mind: Achaemenid Memory Horizons in Roman Anatolia.” In Persianism in Antiquity, edited by R. Strootman and M. J. Versluys. Oriens et Occidens 25. Stuttgart. 259-278.
co-authored with F. Rojas: “The Smells of Time: Olfactory Associations with the Past in Classical and Byzantine Antiquity.” In Knowing Bodies, Passionate Souls: Sense Perceptions in Byzantium, edited by S. A. Harvey and M. Mullet. Dumbarton Oaks Publications. 141-151.
“geology”, “weather”, “earthquakes’, “inventions” and “eclipse” in Wiley Blackwell’s Herodotus Encyclopedia, edited by C. Baron. Wiley Blackwell.